Monday, August 20, 2012

Iowa State Fair Results

After nearly two weeks of furiously baking and cooking up foods for the Iowa State Fair Food Competition -- the results are in!

I entered sixteen contests and earned eight coveted State Fair ribbons and two "Overall" winner rosettes.  Let me tell you, this is no small feat!

Here is a run down of my second and third place winners:

Coming in 3rd Place (white ribbon) was my apple pie, earning 88 out of a total of 100 points (all entries can earn up to a total of 100 points based on different judging criteria).
Taste: 44/50
Creativity: 27/30
General Appearance: 17/20
The judges' comments:
 "Appropriate golden color -- nicely decorated -- apples are nice and tender -- crust is nice and tender -- flavors compliment each other nicely -- the spices overwhelm the apple flavor - interesting list of ingredients."
My meat eater, who is usually pretty critical as well, was in town for the fair and able to try out this pie -- he did not agree that the spices where overwhelming, said the pie was amazing and ate darn near the rest of it.

Also earning 3rd Place was my vegetarian tempeh enchilada recipe I entered into the "Versatile Vegetarian Dish" contest.  It earned 85/100 points:
Taste: 52/60
Appearance: 33/40
The judges' comments:
"The tempeh is a nice addition and good source of protein. Would benefit use of more seasoning.  I also like the potatoes.  Appearance is attractive."

My meat eater was also in town when I made this dish and he loved it! I just made two enchiladas in preparation for the contest, and he ate the one I didn't enter for breakfast the next morning.  He likes tempeh in general and thought the enchiladas were a great flavor and texture combination.

Earning a 2nd Place (Red) ribbon was my pumpkin rice pudding which I entered in the "Cooking with Pumpkin" contest. It earned 93/100 points and was judged by three judges on:
Taste: 38,28,40/ 40
Appearance: 28,28,29/30
Originality: 30, 28, 29/30
The judges' comments:
"Very original recipe. Good taste." "Very original idea. Could use a little more pumpkin. Very nice appearance." "Nice refreshing mixture. Tasted cool."

Pumpkin Rice Pudding

I know, and my friend Jess can attest to it, that a significant factor in your Iowa State Fair food contest success is dependent upon your presentation - so garnishing ALL your entries is a MUST!

This is my third year entering food in the Iowa State Fair food competition but I was a 10-year 4H member many years prior where I learned many a valuable lesson on presentation.

All of these recipes of my own creation.  Look for them to be posted soon!

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