Thursday, June 7, 2012

Let's Make Stuffed Eggplant! With Tempeh!

Slice eggplant in half, scoop out insides and stuff
with tempeh and veggie goodness!

"Let's make stuffed eggplant!" said the meat eater. "With tempeh!" said the vegan.  

My meat eater and I came up with this one night while roaming Publix Greenwise looking for dinner. I thought there was no way I'd eat a whole half of that, and there wasn't. But my meat eater happily finished it off.

Tempeh Stuffed Eggplant

Prep time: 1 hour 40 minutes
Servings: 2 (large)


Wash and halve one medium eggplant.  Scoop out the seeds inside.  Set aside on a baking sheet.

In a bowl, mix together:
½ C. crumbled soy tempeh
¼ C. olive oil
3 T. balsamic vinegar
Salt & pepper to taste
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. rosemary
1 chopped fresh basil leaf (we have a basil plant otherwise substitute 1 tsp basil)

Let that  mixture set while you prepare:

1 cup dry minute brown rice
½ C. chopped baby bella mushrooms
½ C. diced onion
3 cloves minced garlic

Mix with tempeh and spice mixture, and add:

¼ C. cashews
¼ squeezed lemon

Divide stuffing mixture up between eggplants. Cover in tin foil and bake in oven at 350º for 45 minutes or until eggplant is tender.

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