Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Meet Jeff & Nicole (Steak+Tofu)

After dating a little less than a year we have decided to start a blog, mostly for fun, but also to share our our adventures in food as a meat eater (Jeff) and a vegan (Nicole). How does such a pair make it, let alone thrive with such opposing palates? Let me give you the story.

This unlikely pair met while attending a military school in Virginia.  Nicole living in Des Moines, Iowa and Jeff in Tampa Florida. Both are attorneys, both are officers in the Army Reserves, both have a love for food (Jeff adds his affinity for fine wines and Iowan women) and cooking it.

The main difference being that Jeff will eat anything, and I mean literally anything remotely edible (to include those hotdogs you see rolling on the cooker all day at the gas station), and Nicole has been a pretty strict vegan for 15 years.

To where would this meat eater take this vegan out to on a date? What on earth does she eat? What would he feed her? How can they cook meals together? What ever can they do?

-- Welcome to our blog!

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